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Redmond O'Hanlon

A Journey through the History of Evolution
Redmond O'Hanlon

As adventurer, writer of travel books, scientist and Darwin specialist, Redmond O’Hanlon won the hearts of a broad audience. He has become known for his journeys into some of the most remote jungles of the world, in Borneo, the Amazon basin and Congo.

During his journeys, he is on an impossible quest – to find an elusive rhinoceros in Borneo or to reach one of South America’s highest mountains by way of an enormous swamp. Travelling in the style of the Victorian explorers and scientists, he has taken on some mind-blowing and adventurous trips. But most people in the Netherlands will know him as the flamboyant presenter of the successful television programs 'The Beagle', to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Darwins ‘On the Origin of Species’ and the travel series 'O'Hanlon's helden’ (O’Hanlon’s Heroes). In Groningen, Redmond O’Hanlon will talk about his journeys, the history of evolution, remarkable (almost extinct) species and his scientific heroes.

Redmond O’Hanlon is a British scientist and writer, specialised in the work of Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace. He is the writer of a variety of books: Into the Heart of Borneo (1984), In Trouble Again: A Journey Between Orinoco And The Amazon (1990), Congo Journey (1996), No Mercy. A Journey Into the Heart of the Congo (1997), The fetish Room (2011), Darwin, Wallace en anderen. Evolutie volgens Redmond O’Hanlon (with Alexander Reeuwijk, 2012). For ‘O’Hanlons Helden’, his travel series on Dutch television, he won the Zilveren Nipkow Schijf for the best television program of 2012.

After the lecture, Redmond O'Hanlon will sign his books in the Selexyz Scholtens book stand.

Interesting links
Wikipedia Redmond O'Hanlon
The Guardian Redmond O’Hanlon: A Life in Books
Beagle promo with Redmond O'Hanlon
Redmond O'Hanlon on 'Survival of the fittest'
O’Hanlon on God, Darwin and Nature

Watch recording

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