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How to Travel the World with Almost No Money

Tomislav Perko

Many people daydream about traveling the world, but all of them have the same excuse - lack of money. After a career as a stockbroker Tomislav Perko, broke because of the financial crisis, decided to hit the road and turned the world into his home. He uses alternative ways of traveling – hitchhiking, couchsurfing, working/volunteering, and manages to wander around the world with just a little bit of money in his pocket, meeting the most amazing people on the way. Traveller Tomislav Perko will tell his untold stories, explain how he man­aged to travel the world with almost no money, and how he turned his passion for traveling into a career.

Tomislav Perko is a travel writer from Croatia. He self-pub­lished two books: 1000 Days of Spring and 1000 Days of Sum­mer. He gave one of the most popular TEDx talks of all time (over 2.5 million views) on what it means to live on the road.

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