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December 2023

December 2023

Is mijn waarheid ook jouw waarheid? In een tijd van bubbels en alternatieve feiten wordt het steeds lastiger om feiten van fictie te scheiden en is ‘de waarheid’ steeds vaker onderwerp van discussie. Hoe kunnen we ons door dit moeilijke terrein navigeren? Wie of wat is God? Kan de wetenschap bewijzen dat God bestaat? En wetenschap en religie, gaat dat eigenlijk samen? Dit en meer in december!

Is my truth also your truth? In a time of bubbles and alternative facts, it is becoming increasingly difficult to separate fact from fiction. 'The truth' is increasingly the subject of discussion. How can we navigate this difficult territory? Who or what is God? Can science prove that God exists? And science and religion, do they actually go together? This and more in December!

4 | Mindwise Debate | My Truth Is Your Truth? 
More info & tickets

11 | Gastschrijver | Verhalen om in te Geloven - Peter Barthel
Meer info en tickets

13 | Let's Ask | Professor, bestaat God?
Meer info en tickets



See also

Why Do We Play?

Games have existed for a long time in human history and during the pandemic games are more popular than ever. However, what defines a game? And why do we play?