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In serie
20:00 – 21:30

Academy Building
Broerstraat 5

Sold out! - €4,- / €2,- with SG-card / free for students

How to be a Man in the Modern World

Sold out!
Bertus Jeronimus

What does it mean to be a man in the 21st century? Moving from paterfamilias being the sole breadwinner to the concept of a modern dual-earner household is just one example of traditional gender roles having shifted majorly over the past decades. The quest for gender equality makes some modern boys and men struggle with their new social roles. What are the issues (young) men are facing today? Can we speak of a crisis of masculinity? Or should we redefine masculinity? In this edition of Let’s Ask, psychologist Bertus Jeronimus of the University of Groningen will provide context to this widely debated topic and explore possible visions for the future of boys and men. 

In collaboration with Thymen Wyma, Siebe Grimmon en Sjoerd Bekius, students of the Seminar ‘Writing For The Real World’ (Master American Studies, University of Groningen).  

In Let's Ask (before: Ask a Scientist) Groningen's finest researchers share their knowledge to provide context to that recurring 'thing' in the news and will answer your questions. 

Rethinking different kinds of stereotypes is also the subject of the new exhibition PHALLUS. Norm & Form at the University Museum Groningen. The exhibition takes visitors through our ideas about sex, gender, science and norms. Using art and science, its gaze is aimed downwards. The exhibition is on show from 26 May 2023 until the spring of 2024. If you order a ticket for 'How To Be a Man in the Modern World?', you'll receive a promo code and receive 50% discount on the entrance fee in June.

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